What you aspire to achieve in d:CON 4
I'm an architecture student. We work in a field where creativity and rationality were both required. We need creativity to design a delicate building with high aesthetic value, and in the same time need rationality to design a functional building. With both creativity and rationality, we able to design a elegant looking building with proper function according to the client's needs. Both aspect need to be fulfill as we are about to change the surface of the earth, we held great responsibility on the preservation of the beauty of the Mother Nature. So, i wish i can further develop my knowledge on architecture especially on how to blend the building into its context without contradicting the surrounding.
I want to explore more on architecture especially the material. Explore different kind of materials on different part of building create different spatial quality. Since we are doing a memorial. Emotion takes a great portion in it. I hope throughout this semester, i able to explore as much as the emotion that i able to apply to the design as i can.
What are the ingredients in you that you think will contribute to d:CON 4
I like to think, like really really a lot. When I’m fed up with everything, i like to calm down and think. Think of my dreams, my plans for my future, what kind of person i want to be. This helps me to become a better person. Even when I’m mad or lost my temper, i would force myself to think of the consequences that would follow if i did something when I’m not rational. I think this is the ingredient in me that allow me become a better leader.
Since i like to think, when i am designing something. I spend a lot of time on thinking of the design i wanted to do. What i want to achieve, i don't do it for marks. I do it because i want to learn something new, try something i never try before. I hope this kind of attitude can pass to all the student in the world, not just in d:CON 4, because most student now only study for marks, do their assignment just to get good grade and totally forgot the purpose of getting education. (No offense)
Tell us something about you, your ego, things that made up You...
I have to admit, I have my ego. When I design something, i don't want to design something similar with others. I want to be different. I have my own principle, i make sure i stick to it. So every time i feel lost, i remind myself of it. I'm a minimalist, i like cool stuff, i'm a vegetarian, killing is the last thing i would do for my own satisfaction. I'm environmentalist, i care about this world. So, i would go for green building. This is part of me that i merely knew and there is a lot more that i don't know about myself. Self discovery is a long and slow journey. I guess this is what makes me ME.
How would you construe the current assignment in d:CON 4
After finish this story, my first thought is the author didn't really tell the "truth". She write this story from her point of view, and i notice one thing is, she didn't mention much of her eldest daughter-Olga. But in my point of view, Olga sacrifice more if compare to Dawn. Another thing is, does her family members really wanted all this to happen to them?
So, according to Sybil, she was helping the guerrilla, treating them and spread the latest news of the war from Josephine. This is the main charges against her. From this story, the strongest emotion i can feel is anticipation. Anticipate for the hope that the war will end soon, and Japan will retreat and leave Malaysia.
At the very beginning of the story, news of Japan invasion spread among the citizen. Fear starting to spread, but there is still hope that this is just a rumor, when the war started, Sybil sense the great danger comes with it. She worries about the safety of her family, after she pray to her lord. Her strength comes back. When japan ruled over Malaysia, Sybil secretly help the guerrilla which eventually cause her months of torture by the Japanese. But she never betrays the guerrilla. Because if she betrays them, means she betray her faith. Maybe for Sybil, losing faith is worse than death itself. Maybe she had her struggles, but she always chooses her faith. That's what makes her a heroine.
This may not be a happy story, it may be a story full with sorrow. Sybil may be a nuisance to her family, she may not tell us all the truth. But through this story, it tells us no matter what how hard our life is, there is always hope.
I think this assignment wants the student to interpret the story and bring the meaning behind the story into the installation. For me, i would design it to show the struggle between selfishness and action for the greater good and shows there is always hope even in the darkest hours.