Papan Transcript
For project 2, we need to find a site at Papan, perak that suit our installation, our design concept. After days of observation, i finally decide where my site is.
Here is some of the photo i took during site visit.

This is some photo i took of my site.

Site Model
These are the photo of the site model our group had done. We use plywood as the overall base, cupboard as the second base, and the building attach on craft board. We use craft board to do the building, because it gave a sense of Papan.

Mass Model
My concept for previous installation is the Box of Lights. So, for my mass model, i cover the model with different angle, so the light can go in or go out from different kind of opening, to get different kind of lighting.

Site MOdel with Mass MOdel & Group Photo

Papan Video Part 1
Papan Video Part 2
This is our part one video which shows the significant images of Papan. Throught this video, we able to have a rough view of the whole Papan,
This is a story - Papan Transcript, written by each of the dCon 4 group members. It showcase our design concept for project 3, which we will design a memorial for Sybil Kathigasu. It is inspired by Manhattan Transcript.
Story board

This is story board for video Part two.